Sales Coaching

People perform better when coached. In the corporate environment where individuals traditionally work in geographical territories or service lines, coaching delivers, significant corporate loyalty, individual performance improvement and generates strong team bonds.  It is a part of daily rhythm for sports teams, military units and first line responders to work with external coaches, and it is now commonplace for organisations to invest in executive coaches and mentors to improve the leadership and management skills of the C-suite. Yet it is still unusual to see that investment in the success of sales professionals.  

Sales training does not work. Sales training is mostly conducted in a room or online and is seen as a “one size fits all” activity, this generic training approach cannot deliver successful lasting results. At CEO Led Sales we believe that individual, contextulised (targeted at, your salesperson, their territory and your “go to market”) coaching is the critical missing component when it comes to continued, repeatable and predictable success. Andrew Phillips, author of “CEO Led Sales” is a recognised expert in the field of sales coaching who has developed a constant coaching program targeting the four key pillars of sales success – Credibility, Capability, Commitment and Control. This approach delivers long-term positive change in your client relationships, your sales posture, and, the credibility of your sales team within your organisation.

A typical approach to organisational improvement is to conduct broad reviews and formulate plans or recommend courses of action that are enterprise wide. Our approach, however, is to spend 20% of our time in an initial review and 80% delivering targeted coaching that will generate maximum effect. Using your current sales methodology, working with your sales team collectively, and in regular, repeated one-on-one sessions with the team, we embed competence and confidence: perfect practice to deliver perfect performance. We will, if requested conduct our unique “salesperson client effectiveness” engagement with your clients. 

During our engagement we will focus on four foundations to enhance your sales success, the nature of sales requires constant tuning, challenging existing norms and the injection of new ideas. We believe, coaching is fundamental to skills enhancement of every individual and overall improvement of the team.

What It’s Costing you

Phase 1: Skills Enhancement workshop

People perform better when coached. In the corporate environment where individuals traditionally work in geographical territories or service lines, coaching delivers, significant corporate loyalty, individual and corporate performance improvement and generates strong team bonds.  It is the  daily rhythm for sports teams, military units and first line responders to work with external coaches, and it is now commonplace for organisations to invest in executive coaches and mentors to improve the leadership and management skills of the C-suite. Yet it is still unusual to see that investment in the success of sales professionals.  ​

Sales training is mostly conducted in a room or online and is seen as a “one size fits all”, this generic training approach rarely delivers results. At CEO Led Sales we know that organisations are comprised of individuals, and lasting success comes from individual, contextulised coaching. We focus, three-dimensionally, on your sellers, their clients and your organisations “go to market”. This approach delivers both skills enhancement and growth plans, it is the critical missing component when it comes to continued, repeatable and predictable success. Phase 1 uses a cyclic focus of Review, Develop and Assess that is underpinned by the four key pillars of sales success – Credibility, Capability, Commitment and Control we deliver long-term enhancement and growth in your client relationships, your sales posture, and, the credibility of your sellers. ​



Phase 2 is an ongoing relationship, relying on the elements, Embed and Review. A typical approach to organisational improvement is to conduct broad reviews and formulate plans or recommend courses of action that are enterprise wide. Our approach, however, is to spend 20% of our time in an initial review and 80% delivering targeted coaching that will generate maximum effect. Using your current sales methodology, working with your sellers collectively, and in regular, repeated one-on-one sessions, we embed competence and confidence: perfect practice to deliver perfect performance.  ​

The nature of sales requires constant tuning, challenging existing norms and the injection of new ideas. We believe, coaching is fundamental to skills enhancement and corporate growth. ​

Creating an enhanced sales plan

Developed using our framework for success, gives a consistent multiyear plan with horizons 6/12/18 months, incorporating, timebound specific actions and owners with agreed outcomes.

The basis of the CEO-Led Sales Plan is The Right Model. A model that underpins the three key sections of the book, the Right Clients, the Right Teams and the Right Deals as can be seen in the model below.