The Right Clients

The Right Clients make it easier for you to be successful because they are headed in a similar direction to your organisation. They also enable your organisation to evolve into those areas of themarket that you, as the CEO, have identified will ensure futuresuccess for your organisation and are not solely motivated by revenue. The more compatible you are with your clients, the higher the chance of mutual success. We can identify the Right Clients through the CEO Led Sales plan and Attainment Plan. 

The CEO Led Sales Plan

The Right Model begins with The CEO Sales Plan. The CEO Sales Planis a strategic sales plan that the Sales Coach and the Client Expertsimplement into the future. The CEO Sales Plan brings together the vision, the mission and thecorporate plan of the organisation, alongside the challenges andopportunities in the marketplace and the solutions, services andtechnology that the CEO wants to pursue over a multi-year period.

Ultimately, The CEO Sales Plan is a pragmatic view of all of the strat-egy documents that line organisations today. It distills the visionof the organisation into one actionable plan that a CEO can deliver to ensure that the organisation is headed in the right direction.

The Attainment Plan

The Attainment Plan converts The CEO Sales Plan into an action-able working-territory plan for each Client Expert. It contains all the clients and all the deals that need to be pursued over the same multi-year period that The CEO Sales Plan covers. It contains a mixture ofStepping Stone Deals and at least one Bedrock Deal per client. Put simply, The Attainment Plan is the strategy document for each ClientExpert outlining how they will be successful within their territory, with both existing and prospective clients that have the attributes contained in The CEO Sales Plan

The Attainment Plan is written and owned by the Client Expert withcoaching and guidance from the Sales Coach. It contains four coreparts


This is similar to The CEO Sales Plan and focuses on what the Client Expert learnt in the previous year. It looks at who the worthy competitors were, who the partners were, and what they brought to the table. This helps the Client Expert focus their future behaviours, motivating them towards an ideal they have identified, that they want to own. It is akin to the CEO’s rallying cause for the organisation applied to an individual.


This identifies The Right Clients from all the things the Client Expert has learnt, both in terms of existing clients and prospective clients. It also identifies the:

  • Solutions the CEO has outlined the organisation mustdevelop or move into during the next five-year period

  • Consulting strategy for the Client Expert to ensure they build trustand credibility with their clients.

  • Stepping Stone and Bedrock Deals with each client


This aligns four key components: the team, the partners, the clientsand the reference sites.

  1. It aligns the team for client engagement. It look s at thestrengths and weaknesses within the team and takes a view on howsuccess can be achieved with the chosen clients based upon previoushistory with those clients

  2. It aligns the best partners for the chosen solutions anddetermines how they will best support the sales effort and enhancethe team

  3. It aligns the clients to the offerings. This is drawn out intothe future by the Client Expert and Sales Coach using a target heatmap that creates a matrix effect, which helps manage effort andresources

  4. It aligns the reference sites to the clients for the Stepping Stone and Bedrock Deals


This covers client engagement, building credibility with the client and client expectations. It also assesses client behaviour: is thisclient behaving like a client who is going to buy a Bedrock Deal from us? It also looks at the outline for success in The CEO Sales Plan and describes the type of behaviours needed from the Client Expert to achieve fiscal success.